2x Certified Ceramic Coating Installer
2x Certified Ceramic Coating Installer
Paint correction is a heavy form of paint restoration and is the process of removing miniscule amounts of clearcoat with a purpose of getting moderate to severe paint defects out. In short, paint correction is the process of leveling the clear coat around defects, which removes them. Our two-step paint correction process will leave your vehicle almost unrecognizable in terms of paint condition. Each vehicle will receive a 6-month machine applied paint sealant. Paint correction pairs extremely well with any of our ceramic coating packages.
Ultimately, the end goal here is eliminating defects from your vehicles paint, through professional forms of paint restoration. That being said, paint correction and enhancement can drastically increase the value of your vehicle depending on the milage, make, model, and year. In some cases, your vehicles value may increase by a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Paint correction is great for those in the market to sell their vehicle, potentially getting the biggest return on your investment, or in preparation for a ceramic coating.
Paint enhancement is a form of paint restoration but removes a lesser amount of clearcoat in comparison to paint correction. Paint Enhancements remove light to medium defects in the paint, such as light swirls, scratches, and light water spotting. We like to call our paint enhancement a single stage paint correction. The end result leaves behind a mirror finish as well. Each vehicle will receive a 6-month machine applied paint sealant. Paint enhancement pairs extremely well with any of our ceramic coating packages.
Ultimately, the end goal here is eliminating defects from your vehicles paint, through professional forms of paint restoration. That being said, paint enhancement can increase the value of your vehicle depending on the milage, make, model, and year. In some cases, your vehicles value may increase by a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Paint enhancement is great for those in the market to sell their vehicle, potentially getting the biggest return on your investment, or in preparation for a ceramic coating.
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Mount Airy, MD 21771 / 240-457-8940